Multitanent architecture : To share multiple users in single environment
across common and exclusive features.
Governor limits simply
means the limited database calls that a developer/user do.
These governor limits are important because unlimited and
free access to database many number of times from each time will slow down the
database effectiveness.So,to preserve the database effectiveness, governor
limits are important in multi-tenant environment
GL are are run time limits enforced by the
ARE to ensure that code does not misbehave. Because apex runs in
multitenant environment,types of limits apex enforces resources like
memory,data base resources,num of script stmts to avoid infinite loops and num
of records being processed.
@future :
In apex by default every method is synchronize.
If we can convert synchronize to asynchronized we can use @future. User wont
have to wait for processing.
@future to get higher governor limits.
If we can write trigger for
Account and the apex logic wants to update whenever record is updated the
related contacts are updated, in this scenario apex trigger cant be invoked by
single account update would not be able to update thounsands of records
synchronously. If we can use @future that allows to retrieve upto 50,000
records on SOQL,10,000 records in DML asynchronously.
3. If we can call third party webservice
methods(i.e call outs) form within trigger,you will need to execute that call
out asynchronously by defining the web service request and response handling in
4. If we use @future in method,we cant
pass the sObject as a argument.
Unit test:
unit tests
are compressed test methods and classes that verify wheather a particular piece
of code working properly or not.
If your code is going to be packaged and
placed App exchange,the test method must provide 75% code coverage,
code coverage means deviding the executing lines of code, total number of lines
of classes(include triggers), it cant include test method code.
test methods take no arguments, commit no data to the database, send no emails,
and are flagged with the testMethod keyword in the method definition.
methods cannot be used to test Web service callouts. Web service callouts are
asynchronous, while unit tests are synchronous.
: test method cant write with in trigger,because of it cant
called out side of test context.
EX: public class myClass {
static testMethod void myTest() {
// Add test method logic using
System.assert(), System.assertEquals()
// and System.assertNotEquals() here.
import wizard :
Import upto 50,000 rex
Here we can perform insert
We can operate only standard Lead,account,contact,solution and all custom
This process is perform at that point of time
We cant export the data
Here we can prevent Duplicates records
Data Loader :
1.we can import upto 50 mil rec
2. we can
perform insert,update,delete,upsert,harddelete,export,exportall.
3.based on
external id we can perform those actions
4. this process
is batch process.
5.the default
batch size is 200, we override these batch using Bulk API option upto 10000.
6.we can insert
data from specified record to end
Batch Apex:
scheduling :
global class
scheduledsec implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
List<Book__c> li=[select id from
delete li;
the above class
Work flow : work flow is automated process rule, this rule
to perform when record is created or edited to check the specific criteria.
Work flow actions 1.New task 2. Field update 3. Send email
4.outbound message
Time dependent Work flow :
When record matches the sprcified criteria execute
according to time trigger.
Time dependent workflow does not follow the
every time the record is created or edited
Approval process :
Approvals are complex business process ,this rule to perform when a record
approve or rejected to Hierarchal role user to check the specied criteria.
Approval process steps :
1. Initial submission Action
2. Final approval Action
3. Final rejection Action
4. Recall Action
Aggregate function :
List<AggregateResult> b = [SELECT name,
MAX(Price__c) FROM Book__c GROUP BY name];
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